Web Wonderland No.5: The importance of a support system, working with the medicine wheel and being yourself while changing the world
Hey you!
Back on the chair, I’m determined to present you with some useful information around the web. But first…
In fairness, though, life is intense… I’ve been mainly spending time with my son Sylvian, doing school runs, parks, parents’ meetings and the likes. And talking to his new teacher/carer. Well, things are complicated but I’m willing to work with the issues and repair as much of what has been done in the past.
The truth is that we are a collection, or a collage, of what we have been through and what has happened so we have to work with our wounds and scars and try heal them as much as we can. School for us has been a sensitive subject and we’ve been through some rough patches. Things are erupting again but this time I’ve enlisted some professional help.
Lately I’ve been recognising the importance of having a support system, something I’ve never really had. And this isn’t only family and friends, although it doesn’t exclude them either, but it’s more people who you can talk to just about anything, receive support and compassion, feel understood and accepted, and when necessary been comforted and consoled.
On my second session of Inner Child Work, I understood and felt that I’ve been taught how to be strong and independent and self-reliant but I’ve never been showed what support and a safe harbour are.
I’ve been going through the storms by myself all my life, trying to stay afloat, but more and more I understand that I can’t actually do it for much longer.
In fact, for the last week or two I’ve been feeling the strong feel of the abyss under me and the feeling of desperation catching on me.
I’ll leave it there for now and would like to share a few valuable and inspirational links with you. Get comfy and grab a drink!
♦ A captivating story and technique to ask your 5-year old self and your 80 years old self.
The Question to Ask When You Don’t Know What to Do
♦ Something I came upon that might be worth exploring further (it’s on my list). There’s buckets of info on Dr. Dain Heer‘s website.
♦ Here’s some fascinating info on the Medicine Wheel and how to work with it.
Gaia Wisdom School and Sanctuary
♦ And also some free videos from them which I’m looking forward to watch.
Blueprint of the Medicine Wheel
♦ The weekly dose of tarotscope from Lindsay Mack
Weekly tarotscope: March 24 – 30
♦ Lastly I wanted to share with you some affirmations I recently listened to that really resonated with me. (I’m not a positive affirmations fan but every once and a while I give it a shot and those hit the spot).
Some of the best stuff from the last edition of web wonderland:
Grandma’s Experiences Leave a Mark on Your Genes
Dr. Daphna Slonim’s The First Key e-book on how to overcome subconscious sabotage
1000 Watt Presence free training series
Some of my recent posts:
How to work with difficult feelings
Working with the inner child: unleashing unconditional self-love
A strange day… in a beautiful and vulnerable way
P.S. Stay tuned for a guest post next week by Alexis Rose where she shares her amazing story, best practices and more. Plus I’ve also been invited to guest blog and that will be coming later on! (Update: you can read Alexis’ post here and my guest post here)
OK then, that’s a wrap! Have a beautiful week! – VC
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