You Deserve Your Love Image
Trauma Healing

You deserve your love

How comfortable are you with yourself?

Are you accepting of yourself?

What do you feel when you look in the mirror?

What’s your first thought when you see a picture of yourself?

Love yourself!

It may be hard at first, it may even sound absurd. Believe me, I know first hand.

But you deserve your love more than anyone else.

Give it to yourself, even if it feels ridiculous and silly.

It’s the only way towards happiness and fulfillment in life. It’s the first step towards self-realisation and inner peace.

Nobody else will give you that love. It can only come from you to you.

It’s your only obligation in this life, actually.

You deserve your love like everybody else.

Give it to yourself.

Feed your soul.


Vilina Christoph is a spiritual writer and uses the power of words to help others on their journey of healing and recovery. She distills challenging life experiences into meaningful lessons and practical wisdom. She believes that finding our voices and speaking our truth empowers us to transform our lives and reach long-lasting fulfillment.

One Comment

  • ForgivingConnects

    You said it, Vilina. This is beautiful. <3

    It is so lovely to meet you.
    Sending you many blessings,

    ps – I just started talking to myself in the mirror and giving me nurturing. It is helpful. 🙂

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