Vilina Christoph is a spiritual writer and uses the power of words to help others on their journey of healing and recovery. She distills challenging life experiences into meaningful lessons and practical wisdom. She believes that finding our voices and speaking our truth empowers us to transform our lives and reach long-lasting fulfillment.

  • Thoughts on Self Love Image
    Trauma Healing

    Thoughts on self-love

    The other day I decided to dig a little deeper and find some answers to some clear questions. I’ve identified that my main “issues” have to do with my worth, or how I value myself. Do I believe I am worthy and deserving? And if not, why? I figured that the areas of life where I struggle most are: people e.g. creating meaningful connections with other human beings, and money e.g. creating financial stability and wealth in general, not just money. Why is it hard to experience pure loving relationships with people? And why is it hard to attract money and have financial wealth? Both questions together – Why is…

  • Look How Far You've Come Image
    Trauma Healing

    “Look how far you’ve come!”

    I recently went for an amatsu massage therapy as a birthday gift. The therapist is a friend of our family and she knows the details of my personal story. I first met her when I moved into the town where we live now, and she’s been following our four-year time period here since the birth of our son. So when I met her after some six months since our previous meet-up, she exclaimed: “You look gorgeous!” I shied away and said that I’m only dressed casual. When she asked what birthday that was and I answered that it was my 32nd, she explained again: “Look how far you’ve come!” I shied away again,…

  • Cutting Through Clouds and Fear Image
    Trauma Healing

    Cutting through clouds and fear

    Again inspired by the astrological happenings in our skies and lives, I feel inspired to share with you some big shifts and changes about to occur in my life. Tonight, on the 16th of October, there’s a Full Moon in Aries. I am writing this post as my ritual, my manifestation and my intention for the future. This moon is bringing forward what we set and seeded at the last New Moon two weeks ago. It’s our ideas and desires coming to a realisation. Perhaps partial, perhaps fully charged up, but very likely – action oriented. Aries is a fire sign, an igniter and a go-getter.  A plan in action, a crucial decision…

  • Why Holding Space is so Important Image
    Trauma Healing

    Why holding space is so important in relationships

    You may have heard the term “to hold space” for somebody. Did you fully understand what it means? How we actually do that and why is it so important? I remember reading about it a while ago but couldn’t quite connect the dots – it just sounded abstract or something. And I’ve been seeing articles and videos on the subject circulating around social media, but it wasn’t until I had my own realisations about what relationships really are, that I fully embodied the understanding of what this term means. As I wrote in my previous post, relationships are tools that are assigned from God to us, and signed in a…

  • How Relationships Help us Heal and Transform Image
    Trauma Healing

    How relationships help us heal and transform

    Will you define your relationships with people as good? Or do you think you can do better? Have you ever wondered why are relationships so tricky? I recently watched a talk which shed some very needed light on this question. Relationships are a tool, with a big T. They are an instrument. They are a mirror. They are an opportunity for us to heal our wounds. Furthermore, they are the only way for us to continue growing and evolving, as human beings and as souls. When we choose to enter a relationship in the material plane, on a soul level we have already signed a contract with this particular soul to experience some learning and growth. Our mutual purpose is…

  • Dreams Of Freedom Image
    Trauma Healing

    Dreams of freedom and defining values

    What is freedom for you? Can you answer with one word, perhaps you need one sentence? And what do you dream of? Do you need more than a sentence to describe your dream? I understand – we often don’t know what we’re dreaming of or perhaps, all the more, we’re not daring into thinking what our dream really is. And sometimes it takes quite a long time to realise it… I’m one of the people who until now didn’t understand what they really long for. I knew I was longing for something, something else than what I was experiencing. But I think I may have been too scared to question myself –…

  • Birthday Wishes Image
    Trauma Healing

    Birthday wishes and full moon magic

    This last Sunday was my birthday – happy 32 years to me!  Birthdays are always tricky – the solar return of our lives – they mark an ending and a beginning. Since my birthday is in autumn I find it even more melancholic – the end of the summer season and the beginning of the “back to school” season. The two together have always been challenging for me. But now that I’m at an age when there’s no school classes it feels more like reckoning with what I’ve achieved in my personal development and life. So it’s a time of looking back and evaluating and looking ahead and setting intentions. For what I know…

  • Trips and Insights From Around Bulgaria
    Trauma Healing

    Trips and insights from around Bulgaria

    Since I’ve already touched upon the subject of astrology in my previous post, I’ll confess that while in Bulgaria I went to see a professional astrologer. It was my first time ever doing this and a third time ever spending money on something like it – I’ve seen a regression therapist and clairvoyant once. She was a lovely lady – very emotional, expressive, loud and real. That’s why I love these people – because they’re real with no inhibitions whatsoever. It went to the extend of even being dramatic and quite funny – I laughed with my heart open while she was “giving out” to me for having to plan…

  • September astrology vibes and dives image
    Trauma Healing

    September astrology vibes and dives

    Once the month of September arrives I’m all into diving deep in astrology. Last year around that time started my astro-journey. I opened the first of many books that I read in the consequent months. My curiosity and amazement of this subject has deepened every day since then. These days I’m reading about my six-year long perspectives and also one year planetary transits. And I’m fascinated. But not only with the accuracy of these reports. The modern astrology doesn’t just give us facts and dates of things that will happen. No, this isn’t really the meaning of astrology. Today astrologers look into the overall themes in our lives based on…

  • Reclaiming a lost self image
    Trauma Healing

    Reclaiming a lost self: an experience in my home country

    Hey Everybody! I’m back from my two-month trip and stay in Bulgaria, hurrah! The situation with the internet certainly could’ve been better but at the same time being “off” had it’s positives, too. I enjoyed being more present, more active, more outside and basically super busy running after my son around in the garden and back yard. One minute was playing in the mud, the next playing with the water pump, and occasionally kittens were being thrown in the bin, oops… Our stay over was full of experiences, meet-ups with relatives and friends, and in general re-connection with the roots. I realised how much I’ve missed my friends and the deep connection…