Forgiveness letter to myself
I forgive myself for neglecting and abusing my body. I forgive myself for rejecting myself. I forgive myself for abandoning myself. I forgive myself for treating my body with disgust. I forgive myself for shaming my body image. I forgive myself for rejecting my sexuality. I forgive myself for not wanting to give myself love. I forgive myself for self-abusing through the wrong relationships. I forgive myself for not forgiving myself. I forgive myself for making the wrong choices. I forgive myself for the self-destruction I was practicing. I forgive myself for the harmful things I’ve done to myself. I forgive myself for wanting to kill myself. I forgive myself…
Working with the inner child: unleashing unconditional self-love
Last Thursday I started Inner Child Work with a therapist. We will be meeting for 10 sessions over 10 weeks. As it normally happens, I found this person “randomly” (I believe through an Instagram post, which is somewhat odd). I followed through the post, went to her website and found some really nice blog posts and stories. Of course, the Inner Child Work just struck me on the spot and instantly I knew I had to do it. That happened some time in January. And even that it took us a little while to move and settle in Sofia, I knew I shouldn’t change my mind and get in touch…
How to work with difficult feelings
“Happiness is not only our birthright. It is also our obligation.” The days and weeks roll by and I find it hard to sit and write. Too much is going through my head but can’t seem to be able to stop, sit and capture it. What I’ve been struggling with for the last weeks is to find the meaning. The meaning of it all. I keep ask myself Why am I here? What’s the point of it? You see the days go on – work, school, whatever, then home, and on it goes. Sometimes it feels so pointless, so hard to find a meaning to keep going. Then I tell myself…
A strange day… in a beautiful and vulnerable way
It’s a strange day today, in a beautiful, real, soulful, tender way. I’ll try and describe what I feel the best way I can. This morning I started reading a book – Untangled, A Story of Resilience, Courage, and Triumph. I found this author and her moving story “randomly” browsing in WordePress reader. When I opened Alexis’s blog and read a few blog posts, I knew I’ve found it for a reason. I was captivated. This is the story of a woman who has suffered extreme physical and sexual abuse as a young child and a teenager in the 60’s and 70’s in America. I only started reading this morning but the…
Quiet confidence: living in alignment with what our souls desire
Hey Peeps! I’m back after a short silence, a silence filled with changes and progress. My body literally hurts from physical tiredness but my heart is filled with delight and joy. My family and I moved to our apartment in Sofia, Bulgaria, less than a week ago. It’s day four of my partner working full-time and my son going to playschool almost full-time. We’re all pushing through the walls of our comfort zones but it feels so good. Getting to know a big city like Sofia isn’t something new for me but it is new in itself. Despite the stress of the big metropolis, I feel calm. In fact, I can’t…
The four steps of personal transformation
“Personal transformation is the Dark Night of The Soul – you enter the unknown darkness, you face your frightful demons, but you always, always come out of it more powerful, more resilient and more resourceful. You are a Warrior of The Light.” Personal transformation is normally triggered by painful events in one’s life. Something happens and we reach a point when we’re either forced or we willingly choose the brambly path of evolution. We recognize some things in our lives don’t work anymore and need to change, we start actively questioning our beliefs and thought processes, and we’re open to learning new concepts and incorporating new philosophies. We embark on a whole new…
Honouring how far we have come
The last couple of weeks have been intense.When we first settled in a small town in the north of Bulgaria everything was new and exciting. Christmas was coming, the snow came too (lots of snow), and we started settling into our routine of starting the fire in the morning, cooking brekkie, going out for a walk and play in the park, shopping in the local grocery store, more cooking… you get the point. It was peaceful, calm, fairy-tale like. My mind managed to calm down so much and I started smiling and laughing, and basically feeling happy with all my heart. It was like I was released from something restricting…
Here and now: being grateful for another year
Happy New Year 2017! This is a year which numerologically is a year 1 (2+0+1+7=10=1): new beginnings, new stories, new creations and changes on individual level, and more or less globally. The focus is being turned within, not outside of us. Internally we will find the power and courage to change what doesn’t serve us externally. By turning to our cores and setting up a life that supports our values, we will externally project love, strength and unconditional intention to better our collective world. Don’t be afraid (or feeling guilty) to look into you and be committed to your own process of enlightenment. Your light needs to be fostered, nurtured…
New Beginnings 2.0
Hello again! I wanted to touch base with you all since it’s been a while. I’m back at my home country, this time with all the members of my small gang. We did take a big trip across Europe – from Ireland to Bulgaria. It took us two weeks to drive from the most western country to the most eastern country, considered parts of Europe. We drove and took two ferries – one from Ireland to the UK and from there to the Netherlands. From then on we passed through Germany, Austria, Hungary, Serbia and Bulgaria. We were spending two nights in each city we visited, namely Rotterdam, Cologne, Munich, Vienna, Budapest,…
A message from the goddess Isis
Last night I picked a card from my Goddess Guidance oracle cards. I picked Isis – Past Life: Your roots upon this planet are strong and deep, and some of the roots have anchored you in past memories from faraway times. These roots have anchored you so deeply, in fact, that you’re paralyzed when it comes to moving forward. I’ve called your attention to this condition so that you may unearth and uproot past memories. Some times you bury those memories to shield yourself from psychic pain or embarrassment, so you won’t remember those awkward moments when life tested you to the maximum. Reveal those lessons to yourself now, strong sorceress,…