Interview with Jonelle du Pont: blogger and writer at Tyranny of Pink
Jonelle is a Mom, Wife, Ostomate, Writer and Community Development Practitioner! She writes the blog Tyranny of Pink, a blog about intentional living, with a focus on living life positively, purposefully and authentically. In October 2014 she found herself unhappy with her life and the path it was leading her down. She quit her full-time job and decided it was time to do things that make her happy! In September 2015 she had her first child, Oden. His journey into this world nearly killed her. She woke up post-surgery with an unexpected stoma and her whole life completely changed. In that moment, she realised that she was finally living her authentic life and being…
Life and life’s challenges
Life and life’s challenges is the inspiration for our creative expression in and our gifts to the world. Life’s drama is what’s fuelling our growth, our expansion, and evolution. Going through life’s challenges is what gives you the opportunity to realise your worth, your value, your confidence. Although I am dealing with adversity right now I do not feel mentally tired or overwhelmed. On the contrary, I feel inspired, fuelled, motivated, I draw inspiration and meaning out of the experience, I feel I am growing internally every minute with the experience and learning so much about myself, my strength, my power, my worth. Alchemy in its workings!!! I am finally…
Inner Child Therapy: Working with the father and mother roles
Sessions number two and three from my Working with the Inner Child therapy were about getting into the role of the father and the mother and voicing everything that comes through: their words, messages, lessons, ways of punishment and rewarding, etc. In the session when I had to “be” my father I could barely find any words he had said to me when I was young. I was remembering messages from older years very clearly but I couldn’t get back to the early years of my childhood. During the session, feeling my inner child, I felt distance at first. Like my dad wanted to say something but he kept it inside,…
Quiet confidence: living in alignment with what our souls desire
Hey Peeps! I’m back after a short silence, a silence filled with changes and progress. My body literally hurts from physical tiredness but my heart is filled with delight and joy. My family and I moved to our apartment in Sofia, Bulgaria, less than a week ago. It’s day four of my partner working full-time and my son going to playschool almost full-time. We’re all pushing through the walls of our comfort zones but it feels so good. Getting to know a big city like Sofia isn’t something new for me but it is new in itself. Despite the stress of the big metropolis, I feel calm. In fact, I can’t…
Here and now: being grateful for another year
Happy New Year 2017! This is a year which numerologically is a year 1 (2+0+1+7=10=1): new beginnings, new stories, new creations and changes on individual level, and more or less globally. The focus is being turned within, not outside of us. Internally we will find the power and courage to change what doesn’t serve us externally. By turning to our cores and setting up a life that supports our values, we will externally project love, strength and unconditional intention to better our collective world. Don’t be afraid (or feeling guilty) to look into you and be committed to your own process of enlightenment. Your light needs to be fostered, nurtured…
A new breath of life
Well, it’s been a while… Too many things are happening and too little, I’ve got loads of things I want to write about and share. Funny enough, I’m not getting frustrated at all, as what I would normally do. I do in fact enjoy savouring and simmering (2 of my new favourite words) all the thoughts, ideas, information bits and bytes I’ve gathered along the last few weeks. This is a slow down time for my zodiac sign Virgo and all Virgonians, as we’re hosting two planets in a retrograde mode. Mercury and Jupiter are both slowing us down and giving us the chance to re-think, re-consider, re-organise – you get…