Interview with Kathy Garland: blogger, writer and inspirational author at Kwoted
I met Kathy in the wonderful blogging world and loved her stories and insights from first sight. I quickly committed to reading her blog Kwoted regularly and have never wasted my time – it’s full of practical wisdom, grounded spirituality, brilliant inspiration and deep transformation. I have the opportunity and pleasure to interview her and learn more about her healing journey. Here are Kathy’s own words: Tell us a little bit about your life journey. I was born and raised on the west side of Chicago. Shortly after I turned sixteen, my mother died from complications with kidney disease. A year after that, my father gave up his parental rights…
Trips and insights from around Bulgaria
Since I’ve already touched upon the subject of astrology in my previous post, I’ll confess that while in Bulgaria I went to see a professional astrologer. It was my first time ever doing this and a third time ever spending money on something like it – I’ve seen a regression therapist and clairvoyant once. She was a lovely lady – very emotional, expressive, loud and real. That’s why I love these people – because they’re real with no inhibitions whatsoever. It went to the extend of even being dramatic and quite funny – I laughed with my heart open while she was “giving out” to me for having to plan…
My dance with astrology: on anger, revolutionaries and colouring
I have meant to write an article on astrology, what it means for me, and what I’ve figured learning about it. I should say I have near zero experience with astrology and do not claim to be even an astrology student. But I did read a few books and one lead me to the other. I started with trying to understand my birth chart with all its aspects, and I finished (for the time being) with the understanding that this chart is a star map about my current lifetime which my soul have chosen and written for me in order to experience certain things. And the same applies to you, to…