Interview with Tanya Amidei: Sexual abuse survivor, life coach and a spiritual writer
Tanya is one of the beautiful people I’ve met on Instagram. Her posts are deep and poetic and full of wisdom and truth. Her personal story is truly poignant but her strength, her spirit and her faith have transformed her into the woman she is today. Tanya is a Life Coach and writer who lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She is engaged and lives with an invisible illness called Dysautonomia, more specifically Ehler Danlos and POTS. She describes herself as a people person and some have called her a catalyst for human growth because of her innate ability to see people’s potential. She is passionate, a natural leader, values-oriented, intuitive…
Dear beautiful you
Dear, I love you! I cherish you! I thank you for being the vessel for my soul! You are beautiful, you are worthy, you are precious! You deserve to be happy, you deserve to follow your dreams, you deserve to honour your path. You don’t have to hold on to the past, you do not need to keep the painful memories, you do not need to suffer anymore. You don’t have to be unhappy because someone else is unhappy, you do not need to commiserate with their pain. That won’t help ease their pain, that won’t make them feel better. You have the right to put your needs first, you…
To my dear child
I thought I was coping with my reality until I realised that I was just trying to escape from it. The key to enjoying my life is to actually embrace it, as it is. I was running away from you, thinking you were the problem. When in fact, you are the one who will hold me through the problem. Regardless of everything else, I have the greatest gift of life – you, my child. My son – my mirror, my reflection. All my pain projected onto you. I called you many things – all projections of what I’ve been hurting from in my life and relationships. My dear child, you’re…
The choice is yours
Will you choose to grumble or will you choose to let it go? Will you choose to push or will you choose to let it be? Will you choose to fall into victimhood or will you choose to take responsibility? Will you choose to grow or will you choose to stay stuck? Will you choose to open up your mind and heart or will you choose to stay separate? Will you choose acceptance or will you choose judgement? Will you choose freedom or you will you choose comparison? Will you choose love or will you choose fear? Will you choose life or will you choose hell? Will you choose power…
Pain is the means, love is the end
No matter what pain you may experience in your life it is because we need to remember unconditional love. Even when you hurt, try finding the undying love within you and emanate that love. You may ask “What’s the point of pain?”, “Why do we feel pain?”. I know I’ve asked these questions. The answer is: So that we remember. So that we remember that we are born with love, that we are love, that love is all. Pain is the means, love is the end. Love is the beginning, love is everything. Pain comes into our life so that we can find this deep place inside us where all the…
Interview with Jonelle du Pont: blogger and writer at Tyranny of Pink
Jonelle is a Mom, Wife, Ostomate, Writer and Community Development Practitioner! She writes the blog Tyranny of Pink, a blog about intentional living, with a focus on living life positively, purposefully and authentically. In October 2014 she found herself unhappy with her life and the path it was leading her down. She quit her full-time job and decided it was time to do things that make her happy! In September 2015 she had her first child, Oden. His journey into this world nearly killed her. She woke up post-surgery with an unexpected stoma and her whole life completely changed. In that moment, she realised that she was finally living her authentic life and being…