Sacred Mothering: how to be a soulful mother on a spiritual path
For a long time I’ve lived two separate lives – a life of an unfolding spiritual journey and purpose and a life as an everyday mother, partner and housewife. The first one happens mostly within me and I get to share it here with you, my readers and online friends, but I don’t express much outwardly in my day-to-day doings. The second life happens in the hours when I’m not working on myself or writing down my discoveries and realisations – it happens when I pick up my son from kindergarten and we spend the afternoons together outside or at home. Those two lives sometimes clash with each other and…
Follow your feelings
You have been given the power to feel for a reason. It is not a curse, nor a weakness. Your feelings are your built-in guidance system. Trust them. Never question or doubt them. Learn to listen to their subtle moves. Catch them when they are gentle ripples rather than when they’ve escalated into stormy waves. Follow the good feelings. When do you really feel good? Do more of that! And the bad ones – acknowledge them. What are they telling you? Do not ignore them, they are telling you something. Your feelings are your connection to your source, they are the way you are spoken to by your god. Never…