Web Wonderland No.7: Back from holidays, stand-up-real-talk comedy, and unleashing our women’s power
Hey guys! I’m just back from our holidays in the wonderful land of Greece. My family and I spent 10 days on the Ionian island of Lefkada with a short one-day trip to the islands Kefalonia + Ithaka. Now, I’m still processing the journey and I feel it deserves its own proper post. Peculiar things happened to me while I was there and I’m still not able to put them into words. What inspired me to write this post was a few talks I was having with my partner, a talk/stand-up comedy show I watched and an article on the just passed solar eclipse and new moon. I’d like to…
The Rise of the Feminine and the next stage of my spiritual journey
Hello beautiful people at the new Vilina Christoph site! You can read my earlier announcement here. You might’ve noticed that I haven’t posted for the last couple of months. Truth is that this next stage of my spiritual journey has been brewing and hatching. In particular, I moved my blog over from the cosy and automated world of WordPress.com to an independents host which gives me more freedom. The move was ripe since I’ve been planning it for months and just last week it was the right time for that change. Your experience as a reader won’t change but if you’ve been following my journey you will notice some conceptual changes at…
Heal yourself, heal the world
Most of us know the popular quote: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ~ Ghandi More and more we start realising that this really is the truth. On my journey of healing, more and more I start to understand that by healing myself, I make a change in the world, and the world itself heals. Digging deeper and deeper in my own pain and trauma has led me to realise that I’m not only healing my personal wounds. In fact, my wounds are wounds that many of us share; they’re wounds that have been passed from generation to generation, throughout the history of humankind. These are…
Working with the moon, its energy and phases
It has been a few months since I started paying closer attention to the Moon and its phases. It is well known that the Moon has great effect on our planet and especially its water bodies. And since our human bodies are made mostly of water, it’s no wonder that our lives are influenced by its motions too. The two most known moon phases are Full Moon and New Moon, but we also have quarter moons in between. Overall, there are four main moon stages, each one of them lasting about a week. If you start following these cycles, you will soon find a recurrent pattern in your physical disposition, your…
A powerful start to a new year
Last week Thursday was 11/1 (or 1/11) of year 2018 – an 11 year. That is a great deal of Number 1 in a row – an unusual occurrence and a very powerful numerology! The symbolism of the Number 1 is one of new beginnings, creation, independence, uniqueness, motivation, striving forward and progress, ambition and will power, positivity and positiveness. Number 1 also resonates with the energies of pioneering, raw energy, force, activity, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition. For many this is the true beginning of the year. If you are like me and for the first ten days or so you didn’t quite feel the full arrival of…
On the brink of dawn
As we enter into 2018, I cannot quite get myself into thinking about resolutions, setting intentions or goals. I cannot even summon my mind to reflect back on the year 2017. I feel somewhere in between, not quite ready to let go of the old year and not quite there to welcome the new one. Perhaps this is natural, for some of us. Just as I try and think about what the past year has brought my way, I almost freeze. It’s been so much, there’s been so many lessons, too many experiences and feelings. I don’t know if I can summarise all of it in one post, one sentence,…
The anatomy of desire and manifesting
Two weeks ago I had an epiphany moment. It was a moment of full blown joy. I felt happy all the way through from the depths of my soul. It was a moment on my journey in which I felt I’ve passed some rite of passage and have shifted energies and moved forward on my path. It is an indescribable feeling and something I’ve never experienced before – it could probably be best described by the word BLISS. A couple of days later my dad came to visit and we shared a day of warmness and closeness. Then he had to go and even though we’ve said temporary “goodbyes” to…
Follow your feelings
You have been given the power to feel for a reason. It is not a curse, nor a weakness. Your feelings are your built-in guidance system. Trust them. Never question or doubt them. Learn to listen to their subtle moves. Catch them when they are gentle ripples rather than when they’ve escalated into stormy waves. Follow the good feelings. When do you really feel good? Do more of that! And the bad ones – acknowledge them. What are they telling you? Do not ignore them, they are telling you something. Your feelings are your connection to your source, they are the way you are spoken to by your god. Never…
To my dear child
I thought I was coping with my reality until I realised that I was just trying to escape from it. The key to enjoying my life is to actually embrace it, as it is. I was running away from you, thinking you were the problem. When in fact, you are the one who will hold me through the problem. Regardless of everything else, I have the greatest gift of life – you, my child. My son – my mirror, my reflection. All my pain projected onto you. I called you many things – all projections of what I’ve been hurting from in my life and relationships. My dear child, you’re…
You deserve your love
How comfortable are you with yourself? Are you accepting of yourself? What do you feel when you look in the mirror? What’s your first thought when you see a picture of yourself? Love yourself! It may be hard at first, it may even sound absurd. Believe me, I know first hand. But you deserve your love more than anyone else. Give it to yourself, even if it feels ridiculous and silly. It’s the only way towards happiness and fulfillment in life. It’s the first step towards self-realisation and inner peace. Nobody else will give you that love. It can only come from you to you. It’s your only obligation in…