Coming out from the mud and continuing onward
I am grateful for where I am on my journey. I am grateful for the mud I had to come through. I am grateful for the waters that held me while I was rising up. I am grateful for the air that touched my skin upon my resurfacing. I am grateful for the roots that kept me in place. I am grateful for the process, for the journey, for the experience, for my life. On 15th October it was 7 years since the death of my mother. Here’s what I wrote: I was only 26 at the time. I remember trying to rationalise and intellectualise the shock of her…
You’re not alone in your pain
I’m crying but I’m happy. I’m happy because in the depths of my soul I am happy, happier than I’ve ever been. But I’m also crying and that’s because I’m crying out all the pain my mother, my sister, all the women in my family, and all the women in the world for centuries had felt. But I’m happy because I’m shifting all that pain. I’m crying because they couldn’t transform the pain, they felt it and lived with it till their very last breath. But I’m happy because they will be free, I am setting them, myself and the future generations free, now. From all that couldn’t be said,…
Happy where I am
I will make a confession to you: I’ve never been happier in my life. As I write this I can feel the tears pushing to come through. But these are happy tears. These are the tears of a revelation, of an epiphany, of a breakthrough, of a triumph! In just the last few weeks I’ve come to a point of a full blown transformation. I’ve always kept the subject of transformation to the forefront, understanding it’s an essential step of the human journey and what I was going through. Now I feel this shift happening in my body, in my very cells. After two years of inner turmoil and actively…