• Trauma Healing

    What I learned from my physical and mental instability episode

    (Long post alert) I’m just back from my holidays in Greece. We spent 11 days on the stunning islands in the Ionian sea on west coast of the country. I’d been prepping for this journey for months, organising diligently and planning fervently. I’ve waited passionately and eagerly until the day came. The complications started on the day before our trip. It appeared that our car’s documents were out of date and needed to be renewed. It was Saturday and we were supposed to leave the next day, Sunday. We decided not to risk passing the border with invalid documents so had to wait till the offices opened on Monday. That…

  • Birthday Wishes Image
    Trauma Healing

    Birthday wishes and full moon magic

    This last Sunday was my birthday – happy 32 years to me!  Birthdays are always tricky – the solar return of our lives – they mark an ending and a beginning. Since my birthday is in autumn I find it even more melancholic – the end of the summer season and the beginning of the “back to school” season. The two together have always been challenging for me. But now that I’m at an age when there’s no school classes it feels more like reckoning with what I’ve achieved in my personal development and life. So it’s a time of looking back and evaluating and looking ahead and setting intentions. For what I know…

  • Trips and Insights From Around Bulgaria
    Trauma Healing

    Trips and insights from around Bulgaria

    Since I’ve already touched upon the subject of astrology in my previous post, I’ll confess that while in Bulgaria I went to see a professional astrologer. It was my first time ever doing this and a third time ever spending money on something like it – I’ve seen a regression therapist and clairvoyant once. She was a lovely lady – very emotional, expressive, loud and real. That’s why I love these people – because they’re real with no inhibitions whatsoever. It went to the extend of even being dramatic and quite funny – I laughed with my heart open while she was “giving out” to me for having to plan…

  • September astrology vibes and dives image
    Trauma Healing

    September astrology vibes and dives

    Once the month of September arrives I’m all into diving deep in astrology. Last year around that time started my astro-journey. I opened the first of many books that I read in the consequent months. My curiosity and amazement of this subject has deepened every day since then. These days I’m reading about my six-year long perspectives and also one year planetary transits. And I’m fascinated. But not only with the accuracy of these reports. The modern astrology doesn’t just give us facts and dates of things that will happen. No, this isn’t really the meaning of astrology. Today astrologers look into the overall themes in our lives based on…

  • Being the gods that we are image
    Trauma Healing

    Being the gods that we are

    A lot has happened the last couple of weeks. Perhaps the most important announcement to make is that I started visiting a psychotherapist, for the first time in my life! This week was our forth meeting and I’m liking it! I believe my therapist enjoys our conversations too. I feel good about it and the most significant thing is that I’m getting support that I’ve never experienced in my life before! And by that I mean – listening, understanding, validating, encouraging, supporting, non-judgmentally. Besides being able to share my thoughts and worries in a safe place, for the first time I actually feel heard and acknowledged for simply being who I am and…